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The most recent division to EFS is in the field of janitorial cleaning products and consumables and in particular the supply of paper tissue, both in all aspects of washroom services and in industrial towels. Tissue is complimented by our other cleaning products, which include household names such as Mr Muscle and Domestos as well as soaps from Stoko, Europe’s leading supplier of skin protection, cleansing and care products.

Our dedication to this ever growing range of products and services includes on site surveys and analysis of available products to ensure the highest levels of cleanliness and hygiene are maintained in the work place.


Stoko Skin Care Systems

Stoko Skin Care was established around 70 years ago and has grown to become a well known name.

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hbc1Hill Brush Company

The Hill Brush Company was established in 1922 by Fred and Bill Coward. Around 90 years later, the third and fourth generation of the family are running the company and causing it to grow and develop into a well known and recognized brand.

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Deb Hand Soaps

The Deb Group was founded by A.B Williamson in 1941 to sell ‘Deb’, the worlds first rinse aid.

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Vikan UK Janitorial

Vikan is the worlds leading supplier of hygienic cleaning tools for the food and beverage industry and other hygiene sensitive environments.

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Other Products:

Cleaning Rags

Paper Hand Towels

Sterile Wipes

Floor Cleaning Systems

Toilet Tissues

Soap Dispensers

Gojo Soaps

Vileda Scourers

Cleaning Cloths

Lavette Cloths


Floor Cloths

Hand Towel Dispensers

Laundry Products

S.C Johnson Cleaning Products

Hand Sponges

Distilled Water

Facial Tissues

Anti Static Dusters

Floor Maps & Cleaning